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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feb 20,2009 I am a Chaperone


After duty bru asked me to be with her together with her new comedian boyfriend Yson.. Don’t get me wrong he’s not an actor nor an actress hehehe.. just a person overflowing of sense of humor.. we were at the G4 hopping around and looking for some cool trip.. I was seemed a chaperone with the lovers.. it’s nothing coz I am used to it with bru besides when Jason was courting yet I was indeed he would ask for to set a date with Bru.. well being with their company was enjoy!.. no single moment for boredom and I was always full stomach! Ahhaha .. and we won’t leave Glorieta without experiencing Blizzards!.. it was our main goal even before Bru still single..hehehe..

1 ♥ warming appeal(s):

~mEow~ said...

haha..hnggang ngeun natatawa prin ako sa post na to..funny!..:D