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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Out of Home Holiday


When we were young we used to celebrate holidays at home. We are happy staying home, with mom's best recipes and some cakes and pastries on the table. On that way spending time together, story telling of almost the whole year activity and experiences. Now that we were grown, it is so hard to stay at home especially if it commits work, other half and peers. Mom decided to change the way we celebrate holidays. So that we can still be completely together although it's hard to find quality time because each of us has boyfriend and girlfriends and other commitments. Mom made a self catering family holiday by celebrating it to theme parks, mall or special places that we all love for all time. Where benefited the most of us. It lessen the task, the preparation and conviniently pamper all of the family member along with friends. This was a great idea of my beloved mom. I will always be thankful that mom is not a stagnant believer. She can be with the new generation flow, open to changes. Superb Mom! rigth?! That's she's incomparable!

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