i am not aware that I've already known bout the twilight, quite not interested at first but since my brother recall it to me bout the what were watching way back years ago, now i was refreshed..hehehe.. i've also read a blog about this maybe a month or two at wordpress. makes me more interested knowing that it was now on motion pictures..finally a movie :D..sort of remake already cause we have been watching these before as i've said..but now new castings and heard about the characters have a very good chemistry in the movie(i don't exactly know what this pertains to but it only adds my curiosity to watch the movie)..and the effects, setting, cinematography..whoa! some says great!so i am expecting a lot then..this is a vampire romance story..oh i also read about this(twilight) again to Joanne's page..that she was enjoying the book of twilight..in summarizing my post i have first my stimulants to recall about twilight and now i am craving for it in big screen..hmmm i have to find more suitable schedule for me and honey to watch this..so i have to wait for weekends then..hayy so far yet so near naman now??..Lol..and i've also seen the trailer and the making of the movie on the net..really a nice shots..i really want to watch this!..hmmmm weekends! weekends!
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