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Monday, November 17, 2008

one proud tita!


last all saints day i was excited again meeting my is our only nephew and only grandson of my mom and only child in our family but unfortunately due to my brother and his wife's decision and work schedule conflicts their son was left at my brother's in-laws wherein living a thousand miles away from the city(exaggerated?!!)hehehe.. we are not able to make visit him often times..that's why I'm always excited seeing him again.. the last time i saw him was about a year ago!...he not yet talk a lot. not yet walk and run and his too little..not so but quite..i don't even attend to his first birthday and also his baptism..i first saw our precious angel a week he was born via cesarean section, he was confined for about a month..supposedly my sister in law was not scheduled via cs was an emergency cs because it was overdue and the fact that her ob stated that she cant hear any fetal heart rate.. he was fist declared a stillbirth baby..but the baby has the ALMENDRA blood running into his vein and chooses to live with us and knew us..he fortunately and we so much thank full to the Almighty that our angel survive after suffering a lot from the hospital for bout a month..that was the first time i saw him..a week after..followed by about 9 months (the interval of seeing him was really that long)..he was of coarse 9 months young..then the next was when they(my brother and his family) went to our home for Christmas(same year)......then after 7 months was the next visit to our home..he was 1 yr and 5 months young ..then recently was last all saints(can't blame me if i am indeed that excited!..) i was so happy, amazed etc.. all in one emotions as i saw him..he was that big,can run, talk a lot and play..he was also easy to taught some basic jokes or mannerism..SO good and easy to caught up..he was that smart baby!..and one very very good thing about him, he never forgets face ,my voice though he didn't see me that often..(maybe he always feel upon seeing me that i am his relative..hehehe..) because in other people even to those common one's he saw everyday in the village, he's quite aloof and not easy to came along child..he was not that easy to smile to anybody,only to those people whom really was comfortable early as 1 year and 10 months he was that kind of child...

notice how he looks (he was having a conversation with me in this picture).. Adorable awesome baby! note: he was only 1 yr and 10 months but his height almost reached my waist..I'm only 5" i know..but his tallest among his batch mate babies!.. (wonder where he got some height..hehehe both his parents were not having a satisfactory heights!

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