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Monday, December 1, 2008

my shocking post birthday gift


plans are well organized and been prepared.. the plans 5:00 am-honey and i need to wake up as that early to prepare in going to Tagaytay for the early mass.. 7:15 am-was the mass time at St. Anthony's Boys Village his Rector/friend Fr.Bubot will be holding the mass 9:00 am-we supposed to leave the SABV 9:00 am onwards eat in a cozy restaurant at Tagaytay as huny's treat to my post birthday gift going to picnic groove to look out and try the cable car now at the park enjoying moments together 7:00 pm-going home and bring some pasalubong for his family and for my mom.. the tragedy 5:00 am-honey and i woke up and prepare in going to Tagaytay for the early mass.. 6:30-we left our house 6:45-a shocking crushing vehicular accident happened! 7:00am onwards- we are at the St. Mazenod Hospital for first aid and emergency care done an skull appendicular lateral radiographic x-ray got a head injury facial bruises my head bleeds a lot(its a head injury expected it will bleed a lot) and my tooth broke!waaaaaaa i thought it wasn't that serious.. a simple pasta will be my suspense it was afraid loosing my big front teeth..(if ever a tooth fairy may ask me what set of teeth i may chose to, i will still ask for my own unorganized teeth again).. the dentist told it was a serious injury..a major injury to be exactly!.. the tragedy scenario we were on our way,the tricycle runs so slow, i was about to complain cause we will be late for the mass it is a 45 minute travel to tagaytay...suddenly while on a sweet conversation with huny, we just felt a big bump at the back of the tricycle, and we both saw how the driver flew and smashed on the ground also with the other passenger sitting at the back ride..our instinct runs, we don't have the driver now i first think of controlling the tricycle..i look for the foot break but i am afraid of exposing my foot for i was more going to be hurt..and honey tried to control the tricycle by putting his right leg with much pressure on the ground tried very hard to control the speed of the tricycle to minimize the bump on the park van beside the road..i am afraid that we may be crushed with another fast and moving cars on the road that's why i think of controlling the tricycle, then we ended up bump in a van and a banana vendor head was crushed into the mirror of the tricycle that made it broke and cause a abrassion and lessions on my head and face..then that's it my tooth broke..but still were both concious..huny's leg got stocked between the tricycle and the van..then we were brought to the hospital..we were both assessed finely..done x-rays and aother assessment..i also went to a dentist for the fixation of my tooth..our body's both felt so tired and severe pain..yet we had to fix things, the demand, the medico legal and other stuffs.. indeed my post birthday gift..but still we both thankful for another life had given..

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