wow its a good start..whoa!..I started doing my post right after celebrating the new years eve..just fond of sharing what had a routine every New Year, we never had any dangerous fireworks at home..we prefer fountain and "lusis" which is so safe to used.. it's not that i am afraid of bloods but the fact of loosing a finger or being hurt by the firework/s that i was afraid of...that was one of my shot using my phone samsung sgh f500 model..isn't it nice?..we contented ourselves watching different fireworks display..besides only me, my mom and huny celebrated it in our brother failed to make it with us together with his family because his son was not feeling well..and it would give them a lot of hassles traveling if they pursue to went here and celebrate with and i invited some of my nephew's and niece nearby... just chat with them while having our midnight merienda(not a media noche at all)..though we(mom and i)felt that it was quite unusual to celebrate that few we do understand that it was life's process and instances..and we have to cope with it and understand..besides Kuya tried any possibilities to be with us..Presence of Huny was always been appreciated..I pray and i will try my all to make this coming year the start of my very best years..well then, happy new year to all..
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