Its Ash Wednesday today, Julie drop on our home, bursting out her hatreds on her mom’s acts.. She leaved Chin at Lot’s House( lotlot is her former nanny to chin but still loves taking care of chin tho she wasn’t paid for it) She wanted to be alone just bursting out her feelings, I just listened to her and eventually ask her to come with me for the mass at Baclaran.. She came with me and spent with the novena and mass.. when I was feeling like she felt that time all I do was went at the church pray and talk to God.. I am not that religious but every time I did that I feel ok after.. And I just wanted to share to her what making me feel better would be possible unto her too.. they say I am a good speaker, good adviser but I know not all the time, and when I don’t want to speak I recommend it most.. Lenten Season 40 days after it’s our feast on Cavite.. quiet excited and worried.. excited for the thought but worried for the expenses hehe.. oh it could be a double celebration my graduation day is on 3rd day of April and our feast will be on the 5th day.. to lessen expenditures I think it’s better to celebrate it as one.. hahaha practicality!.
Missing a LotOn Kevin's wake, I'm feeling somehow happy and excited, not due to his wake, but to the thought of seeing my colleagues..For almost 2 years of straigh…Read More
Am not mad, Just Dissapointed
For you: be strong..
I don't have any intentions of becoming a cruela devil on your life, i always be here to support whatever deeds you do or y…Read More
Holidays are Holidays?..i know it should not be the right time to post something like what i am going to but this is what i feel, that's why i have my blog...i know it's mean…Read More
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