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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beginning of the First Real Journey


it's the very first day after graduation day..I am now a bachelor of science major in nursing graduate, not yet registered but soon to be..that was so soon.. unfortunately fate was that strict, it didn't allow us to take the nursing liscensure examination this June 2009. no matter how hard we try to file for our completion of cases something holding us back and almost give a sign not to take now.. well we'll just gonna follow what fate would bring us as for now.. we are not entitled to rush things and expect for nothing..we felt that we are ready but as i have said something holding us to. talking bout one of the most memorable moment of my life..yesterday! My graduation rites.. it is a two part graduation Ceremony, starts from 10 in the morning and almost last for 6 in the afternoon.. As early in the morning it was all cool.. firs, we were expecting my second brother (kuya Cris) to go with us and he will be coming from Nagcarlan Laguna.. We rented a van which was so cheap compared to others,and the service and the van itself was so great.. even the driver architech Mr. Louie was so kind and has long long patience to us..hehehe Some misunderstood happen, Hon contacted that van through online marketing, and confused with the location, Imagine the van came from Antipolo going to Cavite and the call time was 5 am.. Felt pity for Kuya Louie he was driving from 3 am just to met the time frame assigned to the agreement.. then there was it, he was that kind. Funny when we are about to meet Kuya Cris, My oldest brother (Kuya Mike) was looking for him at the main road vicinity and when he was about to quit looking for, there he saw Kuya Cris sitting at one of the barricade of an establishment right in front where the van parks..hahaha silly..only Kuya Cris says that " I saw somebody ride into the van but not thinking it was Mama and Karren".. then we laughed, for always Kuya Cris is not that good in asking nor instructions..hehehe Crisanto Jimenez (C2) Hon's friend and my bru's boyfriend is with us.. All the way along the van full of laughs, joke and chats which were all naughty stuffs.. we arrived at Philippines International Convention Center exactly 7 am.. only to find out that our school was scheduled for the 10 am starts.. grr eversince that school was not good in events! hmpf!. so since we are all starved, we decided to eat nearby...After breakfast Mama decided to ask for Hon's help to buy her a new Desktop personal computer and accessories, so Hon, Kuya Cris with Kuya louie went to Gilmore to canvass and buy it... As the event starts, candidates are told to enter to the main lobby, they said strictly 2 person will accompanied the candidate, since we were four mama, me,Kuya Mike and C2, silly Kuya mikes starts to strike..the result was C2 still with us..hehehe The whole ceremony, Kuya mike naughty minds keep working, my colleague's almost thought that he was PICC personnel, he almost know everything inside and out, where was the atms, cr, way out, etc.. that silly he was..After the event we ate at Kamay Kainan eat all you can at Market Market, Majority of restaurants were all full and besides we were going to visit my astig aunt..its the nearest place and convenient to go to.. We almost arrived at home at 12 midnight..And Kuya Louie the driver has another schedule at 1am going to Zambales, for that rent we only pay 2,195 cheap ayt, for almost whole day of making him tired..thanks a lot Kuya..

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