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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ferry Sunshine


Glad that our connection was back. It really annoys me a lot receiving this kind of service from this internet provider As it immediately resumes I checked my blog as what I always did upon sitting in front of the computer and this surprise was the first thing that I saw on my dashboard. Thanks to Ferry for brightening my day after all those troubles that crushing my patience.With this Sunshine Award you really made me feel great.

Thank you so much Nene. And I am sharing these award to my dear Gene,Ate Rose, Faye, Mommy Liz, Chie, Jennie, Roxxy, Eden, Te Niko, Llamas Journal, Kayce, Cookie. 

THE RULES for this award are:

1. Save the image below and post it on your own blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees.
4. Let the nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.


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6 ♥ warming appeal(s):

niko said...

wow andaming award hehehe..

thanks much i am not expecting this.. i am expecting more hahahaha

perahin n lng yan!!! lol

Mommy Kharen said...

oo nga naman.. sana cash award na lang..hahaha luka ka.. :) sige babahain ka namin ni nene pag may dumating pa..:p said...

Thanks kha ^_^ smile lang always!!! you really deserved to have that award!!!

see yeah ^_^

Genefaith said...

wow I'm so flattered with this award sis..thanks for remembering me:)

DeejSpeaks said...

Hello Ms Kha! Thanks for this award! :) I appreciate it.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Salamat for always remembering me Kha, I so need this one today too lol. Thank you!