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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ferry's Wedding


It's been a year when I offer Ferry of helping her to her upcoming wedding . Knowing her, she and her fiance wanted their wedding to be cost effective but elegant. Since they told me that all expenses to it came from their own savings from specific to general details. Offering self is one quality of a nurse to psychiatric patient.Leading nowhere? Lol.Just kidding. Seriously  I offer myself to help them since she and Paul, her fiance, is one of my dear friends. I've got to let her know different ideas I have on my mind regarding on the details of their wedding program, ceremony , invitation and save the date postcard . Here in the Philippines it is not a practice or maybe if others do, but not all, giving the save the date cards. It is different from the common invitation in Philippine wedding wherein the program, venue RSVP and the entourage are written all in one form.The invitation itself. She like the idea I brought to her and said their wedding to be unique, elegant and seems to be sophisticated one and most especially a budget friendly. They can save a lot from a compact invitation that will only be given to the VIP's .It's been a year that I brought them the idea, they liked it,(that was what they say, I dunno if it's true to peace Ne) but now that it's only months left, the couple haven't decided yet for the design because they can't finalize first their wedding motif. It's easy to make a save the date and invitation cards but I don't want to be in a rush. Besides Ferry is a meticulous client like her best friend Jean when it comes to details that's why I wanted to know a draft of what she likes before I make the final one. Like what I did to Alexia's christening. Considering her choice and my own thought that might make their wedding beautiful and as to be part in their preparation , I wanted it to be one of the best wedding that will be a talk of the town thereafter.

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1 ♥ warming appeal(s): said...

bwahahaha!!! PARINIG ba ito kha??? hahaha!!!

First saturday of October mamamanhikan na si paul. From then, makakapag decide na siguro kami for any other details... And yes kha, I realy need your help!!! Ikaw ang official Wedding organizer ko huh!!! (FOR FREE) hahahah..

Thanks in advance ^_^