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Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Feel the Dues


Earlier today, a man introduced himself as from the tax department, showing identifications and talking a lot. It didn't sink in in my still sleepy mind, since mom just woke me up.I just stare at him with a blank reaction on my face then he's done talking and left.That was 3 hours ago.That early for a visit.  Then just as now while typing this post, it sink in.  
Now that I am back at hand managing our small business, I can feel the pressure. A lot of dues in line to prioritize and be in time. Though sometimes it's jargon to my ear, those words associated with the taxes, fire department fees, business permit renewal etc. I need to be familiarize with all those issue related with the business. It's like that I'll be needing an irs extension guide how to understand more of our business taxes fees and necessities. Mom usually did it for us. She was used to it even before when we were young because she always had a small business. The last time she took care of it was two years ago wherein she fills in information for the irs extension form 2009. During that time the line of business was different from what we have today.It's her store that used to fund for our everyday living aside from my brother's monthly remittance to her. Now the same location, business was converted to a computer rental shop which is a proprietorship between my eldest brother and huny and I. Since mom is teaching me and forcing me (hihihi) to be responsible with our business, I have no choice but to learn it all. Besides, she said she must've been graduated with all the procedures since it was not hers. But still kind to offer sometimes provide help for me. She can't resist me, I know! hehehe

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