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Thursday, February 23, 2012

How To Create a Website


Nowadays internet marketing is more appealing to the market than television advertisement. It is more common to use computer or gadget connected to internet than watching t.v at the convenience of each home. The reason why most of the businessmen prefers owning a website for their products and services. Beforehand let us talk about the basic first, about having a website. Before we can put and announce to the world anything we wanted, any service we provide, let's know  how, which and what do we need to do to have our own space in the web. I have listed the following as guidelines on how to create a website.

1. What’s your website about?
- It’s important to identify what’s your website about. Be more concrete and specific on topic that you were going to share in the net. It must be a topic that you are very familiar with.
2. Pick a domain name related or much better the same as your website title. In this way, it is more easily to be familiar for the visitor. The moment they will search for your blog title it will directly points to your domain.
3.Find a web host for your domain. A web host is the is a type of internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the world wide web. Search for the reputable and affordable hosting companies in the web.
4. Once your done setting up your website title,domain and web hosting, design your website. A more unique and personalized design is more attractive to readers/visitors. If you are not familiar how to design nor read html,java or css,hire someone that can make it for you.
These are the sounds easy steps how to make your own website. For noobie, I understand that this four steps were really a hard one but I assure you this is only a one time bigtime process. Once done it’s all set and ready to go. Your website is up for visitors.


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1 ♥ warming appeal(s): said...

yun!! oh!! nag post din :)

>> busyng busy ahh