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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Bye Exilim


It's almost a month that my Casio Exilim EXZ25 had it's farewell shots. We always remember its worth everyday. Since the day it got wasted it brought sadness to all of us here. As a first time mom, and first time having a baby at home, we always wanted to capture every moment of the baby's milestone or even the everyday simple tricks she shows and learned. As what I've said it's been a month, a month that we've been using our camera phones on my daughter's playful tricks. Though I still have something to use, still I am not contented on how it works. Because it is not as  good as the exilim's performance. I already told my brother that I am asking for another camera. I am hoping that he again for the nth time will give in to my request.

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