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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Business As Usual


Warning: This post is all about my opinion. This is MY blog and if you don't want what you read then leave this page.

Almost half of the world felt dismay regarding on Pacquiao Bradley fight last Sunday .  It's obvious who actually won. I am not saying this because I am a Filipino and into Manny Pacquiao's side. No I am not. I am actually not a boxing fan. I am just a critic and an observant. Because of this controversial fight, I first assumed that maybe, my neighbors, sports critics or the media men in the country was just over reacting and cannot get over the fact that this time Manny lost the fight. I didn't watch it that same day because I am busy and actually not interested. Since, practicality reason whether Manny win or loose I am not going to be benefited (lol). So instead of sitting in front of the T.V wait for his punch at et al, I choose to look for prospect business or jobs online while taking care of the baby and our little business.
Going back since this fuzz around the social networking sites and all over our place , I asked hubby to download the fight and we're going to watch it together. Watching it closely and uninterrupted makes me say " everybody's fuzz about the fight make sense at all". It's an obvious business as usual matter. Making controversy, popularity and doing it over again (rematch) in exchange of big earnings. After that fight now I know why Floyd Mayweather was that boastful and had he's ego higher than himself that he believes he can defeat Manny Pacquiao despite of, in spite of. Though obviously with his situation  he cannot. Because he, Mayweather believes in business not in strength nor Pacquiao's capability y of defeating him! Business that will make everything possible and another thing he is an American. I am no against American, I am just aware of the politics that no matter what American will never ever be a Filipino's underdog. Whether it's in a competition, sports , politics etc. Even in little details they don't let it happen that they will be dominated by Filipinos. Like what happened at American Idol. With Jessica Sanchez. She will never be a grand winner because she is half breed Filipino even if she fought the least American contender. There were news that Bob Arum was asking for investigation regarding the decision and the fight but for me, that was just a show.

Now I just realize that talking with my eldest brother makes sense. I learned a lot from him and got  new information how was the world outside our country. I'm so tats he's my bro :) .Since he was the one who always educate me about this stuff in Politics, History and even Greek Mythology.

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17 ♥ warming appeal(s):

nelsonRN said...

I watched the fight online here in Abu Dhabi, and I really couldn't believe that Manny lost that game. Whether this was made for a "show" or not, I still feel sorry for the boxing world.

Vernz@ Virtual Wanderer said...

So the world have seen it ... how dirty politics works behind this sports... it's good for Manny though.. it pushed him up several levels up :)

Arvin U. de la Peña said...

nakakalungkot naman ang post na ito.....ganun talaga ang buhay...

Arvin U. de la Peña said...

ngayon ay maramdaman na ni Manny Pacquiao ang pinagkaitan ng pagkapanalo na naramdaman ni Marquez ng maglaban sila..

Lalah said...

Ah tell me about it. I watched the game and I was really really shocked like everyone else. I don't know what they're up to or who's behind it. but it's sickening.

Mae Codizal said...

And now there are rumors going around that Bradley has been considering returning/giving the belt to Manny after watching the fight at least 10 times and considering what his fans and haters are saying. I don't know if it's true, but I don't have a good feeling about this. I just don't think it's a good idea if Bradley hands the belt over to Manny. It kind of feels like "charity" to me. He can keep it!

Unknown said...

i believed that what took over the fight is the politics and business of boxing

Rachelle said...

i didn't watch the fight but seeing all the reactions of the fans and everybody, I guess it is justifiable that Manny could have won.

Jean said...

kha follow mo new blogs ko...

Mona said...

Well, politics, business that's how dirty the last fight!

Jessica Cassidy said...

I did not watch the boxing show :-) 1.) I do not think I have the courage to watch the show 2.) I am coward and 3.) It is way too brutal for me :-( I heard it from people who watch the boxing show and Pacquiao should win but what we can do, right? Hope Manny will win next time :-)

Paula said...

At everyone knows who really won. I'm just disgusted they make everything dirty, even sports!

jared's mum said...

i am not much of a boxing fan either, but i guess it is clear to everyone, including bradley, who actually won the game that day + if it was any indication, pacquiao left in a limo stretch whilst bradley went home in a wheelchair + was send off with an ambulance....:D

Sumi Go said...

It's sad, but this is the world we're currently living in. Anyway, it's nice to know that not only us, Filipinos are complaining of what happened with the Pacquiao-Bradley match. Even foreigners, even Americans.

Tin said...

The minute we saw our security guard's face after the match, we knew Pacman lost! (We missed the game since we're in the rd)Anyway, that's the effect generally here in the PH. Good thing w/ Pinoys, we still stand up, we quickly stand up.

zoan said...

I watched the game, the result was disappointing.

redamethyst said...

I agree with you, I think its just part of the publicity so their second matched would create a buzz..

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