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Friday, November 1, 2013

The Problem with a Monetized Blog


Once upon a time a not so writer writing this post enjoys reading blogs. Personal blogs that has real stories and real experiences. She loves blog hopping, truthfully commenting, knowing other bloggers life updates and adventures and learning from their experiences. But that was ONCE UPON A TIME.

As I am having difficulties managing my time being a first time mother and instant two children, my passion in reading other's blogs suddenly disappear. As I recognize upon reading their post becoming more and more of an advertisement. Of coarse I understand, I as well as I am also doing advertised post, but for some I read , no more life story related post. For the sense of earning, the essence of real blogging (I assumed knowing the authors) decreasing its quality. The feelings that used to be incorporated in every post becoming null. I felt sad for I have known some bloggers in the blogosphere whom used to blog to chronicle life experiences.  I am not enjoying reading some blogs anymore if in one glance I saw that it is a sponsored post. Also it so rare that you can see a real helpful link. Most of the links incorporated in a post were advertisement. I am not against advertising and earning thru blogs. Actually I am hoping and praying that my blogging life will be fruitful. The thing that I am concerned about is reading realistic articles. Wrap with emotions posts. I used to read numerous blogs that I've known for years a diary blogs but visiting their blog now is like visiting a newspaper on the net. So dull, emotion less, and more links and ads. I am happy for them , for that means lots of income, but I know I am not the only one who wants to read real stories from their blogs. Especially those blogs that were very helpful such as parenting blog, tips and how to's etc. I guess this is one big disadvantages of bloggers having a Facebook account. They do not write on their blogs to share anymore instead post it on their Facebook account.*sigh*

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