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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Boiled Me Up


This has something to do with the person who made a scandal on our business premises the last time. I am mean; I admitted that for the nth time especially here in my blog. However I also disclaimed that I changed a lot since I was born as a mom. The incident happened the last time trigger me being back to the mean person I am. I lost control of myself that even husband and mom cannot stop me of asking a confrontation from that particular person. Actually the two of them felt the same. They just can handle it better than me but I know and they expressed that both of them were really mad to that person. In my extreme madness I posted to our shop’s Facebook page consciously I know that everyone in the place including her son, nephews and nieces will read. That’s actually my purpose instead of posting it on my own account. I am not afraid that they will find it out that words came from me, as a matter of fact I posted my name after my mean statement and shared it to my own account’s wall. Good thing about me today is that I can easily forgive, this is one of the good thing my kids taught me. Literally they didn’t know they did but I acquire the attitude when motherhood comes along my way. I don’t want to plant grudges cause I know it will affect me , my kids and my family. Forgive and let go. I am really a changed person now.
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1 ♥ warming appeal(s):

kimmyschemy said...

maybe sometimes it helps to just simply RANT and let the anger and whatever it is that makes you feel bad go, because it makes you feel better afterwards..

kimmy came here!